Sudan: EU launches Humanitarian Air Bridge to provide essential supplies.

European Commission
Press Release
Brussels, 10 May 2023

In view of the rising humanitarian needs due to the raging conflict in Sudan, the EU launched a Humanitarian Air Bridge transporting critical supplies to our humanitarian partners in Port Sudan. The 30 tonnes of essential items, including water, sanitation and hygiene as well as shelter equipment were transported from the warehouses of the United Nations in Dubai to Port Sudan. Upon arrival, they were handed over to UNICEF and the World Food Programme. The Humanitarian Air Bridge is organised in the framework of the European Humanitarian Response Capacity, a tool designed to fill gaps in the humanitarian response to natural hazards and human-induced disasters. The EU has already allocated €200,000 for the immediate relief and first aid assistance to populations injured or exposed to high risk in the capital, Khartoum, and other areas affected by the ongoing violence. It supports the Sudanese Red Crescent Society in the provision of first aid, evacuation services, and psychosocial...
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