Speech by President von der Leyen at the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza.

European Commission
Paris, 9 November 2023

President Macron, cher Emmanuel, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, We all condemn the massacre perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October. We all call for the release of hostages. And we all have to protect and save civilians in Gaza. We have to protect lives and preserve humanity. In this context, let me present what our contribution so far is, and where we want to work more intensively with you. The European Commission knows Gaza very well. For decades, together with the Member States, we have been working with the people in Gaza, we have been one the largest donors to the Palestinian people. Of course, this includes UNRWA – Monsieur le Commissaire général. So, these very close ties that we have established with the people of Gaza pay off today because this increases the possibility to coordinate and to answer the needs. We have started, as European Commission, to immediately work on this humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza. And in the run-up to this Conference, we have...
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