EU at forefront of global humanitarian response: €1.5 billion for 2022.

European Commission
Press release
Brussels, 17 January 2022

Humanitarian crises around the world continue to rise. While conflicts and violence are the source of major humanitarian needs, the situation is increasingly being worsened by natural disasters, such as drought or floods, fuelled by climate change and environmental degradation. To help those most affected worldwide, the Commission has adopted its initial annual humanitarian budget of €1.5 billion for 2022. Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said: “Humanitarian needs are at an all-time high and continue to grow. This is mostly due to conflicts but increasingly due to global challenges like climate change and COVID19. Our humanitarian funding will allow the EU to do its part and continue to save lives and cover the basic needs of affected populations. Next to responding to new and highly visible crises, the budget ensures that we do not detract from addressing existing, protracted or recurrent humanitarian crises, such as in Colombia or South Sudan or the...
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