Protecting and supporting migrants and refugees: new actions worth € 467 million under the EU Trust Fund for Africa.

European Commission
Press release
Brussels, 29 May 2018

The European Union adopts today new programmes and projects worth a total of €467 million under the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The EU continues to deliver on its commitments to assist vulnerable migrants and refugees and address root causes of irregular migration. The new support measures in the Sahel/ Lake Chad region and the Horn of Africa will foster stability, jobs and growth, especially for young people and vulnerable groups. They complement ongoing bilateral and multilateral efforts, such as through the Joint African Union – European Union – United Nations Task Force. Today's additional funds will allow for live-saving assistance to be taken forward, including accelerating resettlements of refugees from Niger as a priority. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: "We continue working to save lives, provide safe and dignified returns and legal avenues, and tackle the root causes of migration, by creating jobs and growth. With the UNHCR, we have...
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