Sistema d’asilo europeo comune: il Consiglio adotta il regolamento Eurodac.

20 giugno 2013
Common European Asylum System: Council adopts the Eurodac regulation Today the Council adopted (1) the last piece of legislation needed to complete the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), namely the amended Eurodac regulation. Eurodac is primarily a biometric database for comparing fingerprints, which helps EU member states to verify whether an asylum applicant has previously claimed asylum in another EU State or whether an asylum applicant has been previously apprehended when entering EU territory unlawfully. It aims to make it easier for EU States to determine responsibility for examining an asylum application and facilitates the application of the "Dublin" regulation. The Eurodac regulation will enable law enforcement authorities to consult the Eurodac database for the purpose of prevention, detection or investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The comparison of fingerprints in the possession of member states' designated law enforcement...
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