Rafforzare l’Agenzia per le frontiere europee esterne Frontex.

Consiglio dell’Unione europea
Bruxelles, 23 giugno 2011

- Political agreement between Council and Parliament The Council and the European Parliament have reached political agreement on the draft regulation amending the regulation concerning the European Agency for the management of operational cooperation at the external borders of the EU (Frontex). The European Council conclusions of 24 March 2011 called for an agreement on this legislative dossier by June 2011 (EUCO 10/1/11). The text as it stands now - and as it was confirmed today by the Permanent Representatives Committee of the Council - was negotiated in trilogue meetings between the Hungarian presidency, the European Parliament and the European Commission. It still needs formal approval in Parliament (both in the LIBE committee in July and, most likely, in September by the plenary) and in Council (after the plenary vote in Parliament). What's new? The revised rules - as reflected in the draft compromise text - will strengthen the operational capacities of Frontex in a number of...
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