La Commissione europea valuta i recenti sviluppi in Francia e discute sulla situazione dei Rom e della legislazione europea sulla libera circolazione dei cittadini dell’Ue.

Brussels, 29 September 2010
As announced earlier this month, the European Commission today assessed recent developments in France and discussed the overall situation of the Roma and EU law on free movement of EU citizens. The Commission heard presentations by Vice-President Viviane Reding, responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Commissioner László Andor, responsible for Social Affairs, Employment and Inclusion, and Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, responsible for Home Affairs. The Commission concluded the following: 1. The right of every EU citizen to free movement within the Union is one of the fundamental principles of the EU. As the guardian of the Treaties, it is the Commission's duty to ensure its full and effective implementation by all Member States. 2. The Member States are responsible for and entitled to take the measures to protect public safety and public order on their territory. In doing so, they must respect the rules laid down in the 2004 Directive on Free Movement, the...
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