Lettera del Commissario per i diritti umani al Ministro dell’interno in ordine alla detenzione di alcuni eritrei in Libia.

Mr Roberto MARONI Minister of Interior of Italy Strasbourg, 2 July 2010 Dear Minister, I have recently received reports indicating that a number of Eritrean migrants, including asylum seekers, currently in detention in Libya, have been ill-treated by Libyan military forces and are subject to deportation. Reportedly among these migrants are persons who had earlier tried to enter Italy and were subsequently sent back to Libya. The situation is of concern to me. There are grounds to believe that if these migrants are sent back to Eritrea they risk being subjected to serious human rights violations. I have raised the issue in my letter of 2 July addressed to Foreign Minister Frattini. The letter is attached for your consideration. Given the seriousness of the matter, I trust that your Government will be in a position to act promptly in order to clarify the situation with the Libyan authorities. Looking forward to receiving your reply, I remain, Yours sincerely, Thomas Hammarberg Att....
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