Remarks by Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos on the solution found with regards to the disembarkation of NGO vessels and progress under the European Agenda on Migration.

European Commission
9 January 2019

Dear friends, I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful new year. A year that I am sure will be promising and interesting for you as journalists covering European Affairs! The Christmas break was again marked by migrant arrivals and Search and Rescue activities.  Let us be frank: the past weeks have not been Europe's finest hour.  Having 49 people on boats at sea, for almost 3 weeks, is not what the European Union stands for. The European Union is about human values and solidarity. And if human values and solidarity are not upheld it is not Europe.  At the Commission, we spared no efforts to coordinate relocation pledges among Member States and make the disembarkation possible. Believe me it was not easy but it worked.  I was myself in direct contact with a number of Ministers. I have also called publicly on all Member States to show more solidarity. This is a message I will never tire of repeating.  I am very glad that our efforts have shown results in the end and that all...
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